Mary Ellen Zimmerman, a most gracious and caring host!

Lucy Mullman and George Howell sitting on the Zimmerman's patio deck.

Paul Hennessy, Dixie and Bob Pfister.

Mary Ellen making sure everyone is happy. Gary Zebrowski in foreground.

Bob, Dixie, Paul and Cheryle Martin. Charlie had barbecued ribs with his very secret sauce. It was an

outstanding meal. And oh yes, the wine and beer went down well.

Zeke, Charlie, and Bob.

Cheryle and Ken.

Norm Coffey, Bob and Dixie

Mary Ellen.

Saturday morning the Wildcats and friends met in front of the hotel where...

Charlie had a little rental waiting for us. Incidentally, the hotel we stayed at, the East Wind in Wading River, was a lovely venue. In particular, there were beautiful flower arrangements

on all the grounds surrounding the hotel. We proceeded in the humvee strettttcccch to Charlie's business, perhaps a quarter mile away.


Dixie and Mary Ellen in front of Charlie's business, called Forestwood Industries. Charlie, among many things, imports exotic wood from Brazil and Guyana and then resells it to whatever

spec his customer needs. For instance, as many of you know, Long Island was hit by Hurricane Sandy. Fire Island lost its boardwalk. Charlie is supplying the wood to rebuild it. He also is

an inspector for the international businesses that make up this industry insuring that individual firms within it subscribe to certain standards. He is a true world traveler many times over.

The guy holding a cellphone was the driver of the stretch, one good fellow named Marty. Marty, after our sojourn at Charlies business, took a turn on a dirt road (yes, they still have them on Long Island).

He was trying to find a herd of buffalo-you read it right-that Charlie knew of.

We did not see them and Marty found himself at the end of probably 200 meters of dirt road.

He could not find a place to turn around so he backed up that monstrous stretch all the way back to the main road.



After touring Charlie's business, our first stop was a distillery. That's right-a distillery. Here the group is summoning up courage to go into the place.

The distillery made bourbon and vodka (Long Island potatoes?). We bellied up to the bar and sipped shots. It would have ben better for the palete if the management would have allowed John Moncure make

his world renowned Maine Bloody Mary's, but no such luck.

Next stop was a winery-old friends-let us say...


There are over 42 wineries on Eastern Long Island. We went to 41 of them-only kidding. Those that we did go to all had a similiar setting. There would be a large building for wine tasting and retail sales.

The outdoors all had picnic grounds where people brought in a lunch and the little ones would be running around as children do. Each winery had a live band playing.

There were a lot of young people (including us) as you can see in the above photo.

You will also see the vinyards in the far background. Again, there must be thousands of acres under grape cultivation.

Again-inside was the tasting room and retail store.

To continue the tour click here on LI Mini Part 2